Wednesday 14 December 2011

Macbeth Jounal Entries 1-8

1) Dear Journal,

    It has been a while since the last time I wrote in you. War definitely changes a man, I have no reason to doubt it doesn't. I have come to realise how fragile life is, after witnessing the deaths of fellow countrymen and youngsters. I will never forget the faces that gazed upon my own at that moment when I took their lives! I now value what I have in my own life and going home to my beautiful wife will give me all the self worth I need. My wife loves me very much, and I will always be grateful that I was able to go home. However, not every man on the battlefield was lucky to go home. I pray and honour the men that gave their lives to their country. For all the men who fought alongside me, I salute to you! And to my brother in arms, Banquo, I am glad that you came through and stuck with me all the way.


2) Dear Journal,

    Today has been a fantastical day for me. On our quest to visit the King, Banquo and I ran into three rather strangely looking people. At first to the human eye we could not make out what we saw before us. There were three of them standing there, speaking about the future to come. We were astounded at the phrases that came out of their mouths. They told me I was to become King! And Banquo was to father future Kings. We could not believe our ears! They were witches! Before we could ask any questions, they began walking away, vanishing before our eyes. For now, I must stay loyal to Banquo and he the same. We must not let word about the new prophecy reach the ears of the King himself. For all we know, he may have us killed for treason to overthrow the crown.


3) Dear Journal,

    I had never realised the importance of becoming a soldier for war. All my father wanted me to do was to become a soldier one day, totally ignorant towards my feelings. I could have become a great artist, mathematician, philosopher, but no. I was born into a family of honour and dignity. My bloodlines made me who I am today. I now realise how amazing the feeling to become a respected soldier is. Today, the King himself thanked Banquo and I for serving our country. We are no longer little minions in the army; instead we are respected as noble knights who fight for the crown. My hard work and all my sacrifices finally paid off. All of this sudden glory that has been given to me surely has a price waiting for me to pay. I do not know what I must do, but for now I will continue to enjoy the joy that has been placed at my doorstep. I cannot see my wife but I am writing to her, telling her all about my successes. From becoming a respected Knight to the future King, she disserves to know every aspect for it is not only my happiness to come, but her's too.


4) Dear Journal,

    Things have changed. My wife is beginning to sound more and more influential. Perhaps telling her about the foretold prophecy was a mistake. On the other hand, perhaps telling her was a good thing. My lady speaks about what she desires for the both of us. She wants power and glory. Her plan was to overthrow the crown, and kill him. Is she mad? Does her desire to obtain fame cloud her judgement of humanity and loyalty? I cannot decide for my own acts. I personally do not feel that this is the right thing to do. But, she snapped at me in a way I had never seen in her before. She told me to trust her and leave all the plans to her. I could not abandon her for I love her, yet my humanity is questioning my heart. What will I do? I am alone, scared, and lost. As her husband, I must support her and follow through with my lady's wishes. However, as a servant to the king, I must remain loyal to my duties. The pain and suffering that this plight has caused me, I cannot bear. I am feeling weak to my bone. My lady does have a point though. We can have it all. The power, money, fame, glory, all at our disposal. I am beginning to see the picture. I shall talk to her once more about this matter in the morning.


5) Dear Journal,

    I cannot believe what I have done. All my life I have been serving and respecting the King. I owe it to my country to serve in his honour, yet tonight I betrayed myself and my country. What hath gotten into my soul. What cruel, in just person had become of me? I do not understand how I have become such a demon. The very thing I swore to never become has become my own self. He lay there as an innocent calf. I plunged into him like a sword piercing through his flesh. I can remember the whole process. The warmth of his blood dripping down my arm. I kept on stabbing until finally, I could feel his heart beat no more. What are my hands? Will all of the seas in the world not wash away the blood stained on my skin? There is no going back, what is done, is done. Fear me not, self. I am acting as the better part of us.


 6) Dear Journal,
    I do not understand health. Why am I suffering from nightmares? Why am I unable to sleep at night? Where has my appetite gone? As ruler and King, I can have the best cut meat in all state, yet I do not have the hunger of a growing teenager. Tonight was the banquet, I needed to stay sharp and seem like a man with a grip in his new life. My friends suspect nothing of me; I am like an eagle in the sky, unnoticeable by the naked eye. I have not yet received word from the murderers; however I am sure they are en route in killing Banquo. I have managed to send another murderer, just in case the worst happens. My loyalty to Banquo has faded; he is no longer an ally, but an enemy. I told my lady I had a plan for actions to take place, she did not seem very happy with me. Lately I've been noticing that she hasn't been having the greatest sleep either. Perhaps when all things cool off, we will live life and prosper.


 7) Dear Journal,

    Tonight was one of my most embarrassing nights I have ever experienced. I am lost, and truly sorry for the illness in thought that I have burdened my wife with. I have displayed shame to myself and to my lady. My horrid actions have caused my friends to think poorly of me. How can this have happened? Why did Fleance escape? I will never be so scared as I was at tonight at the dinner table. I saw Banquo twice. His ghost haunts me. My friends did not see it, so to them, I was mental. My wife tried to cover it up by saying my health is poor. But I feel the same physically. There isn't anything wrong with my mental state; after all I am the King. I must visit the witches again, for Macduff is standing in my way. They will guide me, and tell me what to do next. Yes, yes, more from the wonderful creatures! I must go! I mustn't let my wife down; I mustn't let myself fall weak.


 8) Dear Journal,
   I fear this may be the last time I write in you. We are now living at Dunsinane Castle; it is on a hill which makes it easier to defend. The doctor says my wife is no longer in a stable condition. She is suicidal, and there is nothing that we can do for her. How did all of this happen? My wife is losing her mind, and I am slowly beginning to lose mine. Everyone has deserted me, except for those who I am forcing to stay. The witches told me that until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane I will not be defeated. In addition, no man born of woman may harm me. I must keep this valuable information close to my heart. For it is the only piece left in me that keeps me going. Life is but too short. Out, brief candle. Life is a tale told by an insane person, and in the end, it will have no meaning. I am chained, but I must fight to the last drop of blood in me.


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