Tuesday 13 December 2011

Macbeth Journal Entry No.7

Dear Journal,

   Tonight was one of my most embarrassing nights I have ever experienced. I am lost, and truly sorry for the illness in thought that I have burdened my wife with. I have displayed shame to myself and to my lady. My horrid actions have caused my friends to think poorly of me. How can this have happened? Why did Fleance escape? I will never be so scared as I was at tonight at the dinner table. I saw Banquo twice. His ghost haunts me. My friends did not see it, so to them, I was mental. My wife tried to cover it up by saying my health is poor. But I feel the same physically. There isn't anything wrong with my mental state; after all I am the King. I must visit the witches again, for Macduff is standing in my way. They will guide me, and tell me what to do next. Yes, yes, more from the wonderful creatures! I must go! I mustn't let my wife down; I mustn't let myself fall weak.


EQ: How do we deal with conflicting elements within our personality?
Macbeth feels weak, so he seeks for answers from the witches that put him in this position in the first place. When we have confliction elements in our personality, we look for refuge within either one. Humans need closure in order to feel safe, and comfortable. Macbeth is embarassed and now he wishes to find closure, from the embarassment he put upon himself.

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